Scammed in Mexico (Part I)

Daily Prompt: Far from Home

My parents are always wrong and I am always right. Want proof? Let me explain. Buckle your seat belts, cause we were scammed in Mexico!

From the moment I saw his mustache, I knew we were in trouble. It was exacerbated by his calling me young for my age. I’ll stop right there. I have to edit this. It sounds sexual and sketchy, but really it’s only sketchy. Let me provide setting and background information.

We were at the airport in Mexico. We had just arrived. We see a travel agent selling us a trip to Tulum for only $60. But wait, we could have it for free! Just give him the 60 and we’ll get it back later.

Stop right there.

Sounds too good to be true, right? Here’s how it went down.

“Oh, and my daughter speaks Spanish!” Mom exclaimed.

We exchanged “Holas” with complimentary smirks. At least on my side. He was the charlatan and I was the student. Only I caught on.

Actually, I didn’t. I didn’t understand what was happening, only that we had put down $60 to a stranger we didn’t know, and now we were leaving him and the money. I clearly remember asking both the quack and my mother, “So we just leave the money here? Are you sure?”

They thought I was just anxious. Don’t give $60 to a stranger  before you get what you asked for.

But it didn’t end there.

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